The Physics Department moved to the new Science and Engineering building in May 1990. It has modern electronics and machine shops staffed by a full-time electronics technician and two full-time machinists.The experimental program is presently concentrated in condensed matter physics and spectroscopy. Facilities are available for the preparation and fabrication of metallic alloy crystals, superconducting powders, and semiconducting materials.Facilities are available to study and characterize these materials using Auger, LEED, UV and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, and by optical methods such as Brillouin and Raman scattering techniques.Activities in theoretical physics include programs in astrophysics with an emphasis on stellar evolution, condensed matter, and mathematical physics. On the astrophysics side, there are ongoing efforts of studying neutron star and black hole binaries via numerical simulations of Einstein's equations of General Relativity. Electronic structure calculations form the basis of the theoretical work on metallic alloys and superconductivity.
Listening | Reading | Writing | Speaking | Overall |
6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
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